El control del ciberespacio por parte de gobiernos y empresas. Abstract

Miguel ángel Castellano Osuna [Profesor Titular del del Centro de Altos Estudios Policiales, funcionario del Ministerio de Interior] Pedro David Santamaría Hernández [Profesor Titular del del Centro de Altos Estudios Policiales, funcionario del Ministerio de Interior]

In a world that is globalized, where communications, internet and information storage and processing systems acquired great importance, transmitting and saving information of the private sphere of individuals and corporations, the control of the aforementioned systems results in an efficient and powerful tool for governments and corporations, which proves to be very dangerous if harmful use of such tools happens, and involves an unacceptable exposure and loss of the individual liberties where this is the case. 

Key - words 

Control, interception, retention, espionage, internet, cyberspace, telephony, communications, data, information, intelligence, digital fingerprint, privacy and Echelon.